Seminars & Conferences List
2014.01/Italy/Junior Program for Dreamers
2013.12/Turkey/Aksanat – Perfection in Art and Timelessness
2013.12 /Club Meeting of SfG
2013.11/Turkey / Ankara/Bilkent University, Entrepreneurship
2014.01/Italy/Junior Program for Dreamers
2013.12/Turkey/Aksanat – Perfection in Art and Timelessness
2013.12 /Club Meeting of SfG ( Tanrılar Okulu Kulübü )
2013.11/Turkey / Ankara/Bilkent University, Entrepreneurship
2013.08 / Turkey / Istanbul / FLW Leadership Program
2013.08 / Italy / Como / Dream for the World
2013.07 / Italy / Como / Dream for the World
2013.06 / Italy / Como / Vitality Seminar
2013.04 / Turkey / Ankara / Bilkent University, Guest Speaker to Tasarım ve Mimarlık Topluluğu
2013.04 / Italy /Como/ Vitality seminar Como
2013.03 / Turkey / Mersin / Çağ University The 6th National Summit of Young Entrepreneurs and Leaders
2013.02 / Turkey / Istanbul / FLW Leadership Program February 2013 Edition
2013.1 / U.S.A. / Houston / OG Convention
2012.12/ Turkey / Istanbul / Seminar to Harvard Alumni Association for Turkey- Conrad Hotel
2012.12/ Turkey / Antalya / Akdeniz University Conference
2012.12/ Turkey / Ankara / Bilkent University Career Symposium “A New Generation of Leaders” – Sheraton Hotel
2012.11 / France / Reims / Congrè de Thérapies Quantic
2012.11 / Turkey/ Istanbul / FLW Leadership Program November 2012 Edition
2012.10 / Turkey / Istanbul /Mix Mondial, Mey – Master of your Life – Turn your Life into a Masterpiece
2012.10 / Italy / Milan / The Book Presentation: Italian Edition of A Dream for the World in Milan at the site of Il Sole
2012.10 / Turkey / Istanbul / Izmır Ekonomi University, ETohum Camp
2012.09 / Turkey/ Istanbul / FLW Leadership Program September 2012 Edition
2012.09 / Bulgaria/Varna / Speech in Green Masters, Annual Meeting
2012.8 / Italy / Ischia / Libreria Gulliver
2012.6 / Italy / Bolzano / Alpine Dolomite Hotel Compatch Bolzano
2012.6 / Italy / Sicily / Philosophy faculty University of Catania
2012.6 / Turkey / Istanbul / Opening Speech at Shopping Festival in Trump Towers Mall
2012.5 / Italy / Bologna / Libreria Nuovo Rinascimento Bologna
2012.5 / Italy / Milan / Conference in General Electric
2012.5 / Italy / Milan / Circolo Canottieri Salerno
2012.5 / Italy / Catania / Università di Catania Monastero dei Benedettini
2012.5 / Turkey / Konya / Conference in Selcuk University
2012.4 / Turkey / Kutahya / Conference in Dumlupınar University
2012.4 / Turkey / Istanbul / Conference in Arel University
2012.3 / Greece / Athens / Reading Club, The School for Gods
2012.3 / Italy / Salerno / Circoli dei Canottieri di Salerno
2012.3 / Italy / Milano / Centro Culturale di Milano
2012.3 / Italy / Rome / Seminar in Luiss Guido Carli University
2012.3 / Italy / Rome / Conference in Sapienza University of Rome
2012.3 / Italy / Torino / Circolo dei Lettori Torino
2012.3 / Turkey / Istanbul / Istanbul Technical University, Sciences of Management
2012.3 / Turkey / Istanbul / Conference about Future Leaders for The World program, Dream for the World project / Kadir Has University
2012.3 / Turkey / Adana / Conference in Tarsus American College
2012.3 / Turkey / Adana / Conference, in Adana Sanayii Odası ( Chamber of Industrialists of Adana )
2012.2 / Greece / Athens / Reading Club, The School for Gods
2012.2 / Italy / Milano / Triennale Milano
2012.10 / Italy / Milan / The Book Presentation: Italian Edition of A Dream for the World in Milanat the site of Il Sole
2012.10 / Turkey / Istanbul / Izmır Ekonomi University, EThoum Camp
2012.1 / Bulgaria / Sofia / Conference to the senior directors of Green Master Company
2012.1 / Turkey / Istanbul / Entreprenual Summit organized by ETohum in Bahçeşehir University
2011.6 / Greece / Athens / Greek Power Summit by Steve Forbes, June 15th
2011.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / Conference in Bosphorus University, May 31st
2011.5 / Hungary / Budapest / The Seminar for Asseco
2011.5 / Turkey / Izmir / ESIAD, Conference From Father to Son by Prof. Stefano D’Anna
2011.5 / Turkey / Izmir / The Book signing in Swiss Otel by ESIAD
2011.4 / Turkey / Istanbul / Forum Istanbul A Dream for The World Seminar with George Koukis
2011.3 / Greece / Thesalloniki / A Dream for The World Seminar
2011.2 / Greece / Athens / A Dream for The World Seminar
2011.2 / Turkey / Istanbul / Timeless Management A Dream for The World Seminar SwissOtel
2011.2 / Turkey / Istanbul / A Dream for The World Conference Maltepe University
2011.12 / Italy / Rome / Teatro Olimpico Roma
2011.10 / Greece / Athens / Seminar, A Dream for the World
2011.10 / Greece / Athens / Conference, A Dream for the World @ Athinais Place
2010.5 / Turkey / İzmir / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Izmir University of Economics
2010.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Bilgi University
2010.5 / Turkey / Ankara / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Ankara University
2010.5 / Turkey / Ankara / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Gazi University
2010.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Koç University
2010.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Doğuş University
2010.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Sabancı University
2010.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / “Be A Future Leader For The World Seminar” / Yeditepe University
2010.12 / Georgia / Tiblisi / The GFET Foundation: Opening speech: A Dream for Georgia
2010.11 / Greece / Athens / Timeless Seminar
2010.10 / Greece / Athens / Integrity Seminar
2009.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / Forum Istanbul2023 A Dream for SwissOtel
2009.2 / Turkey / Istanbul / Timeless Leadership Ritz Carlton
2009.2 / Turkey / Istanbul / 3. Dream + Time = Reality Conference, Time to Labyrinth Exit Conrad
2009.12 / Turkey / Istanbul– Integrity / Timeless Leadership Seminar
2009.10 / Belgium / Bruxelles / European Commission The Economics of Immortality
2009.10 / Turkey / Istanbul / Timeless Leadership Seminar Ritz Carlton,
2009.1 / Turkey / Mersin / , Integrity Seminar Hilton
2009.1 / U.S.A. / New York / Integrity and Corporate Longevity
2008.6 / Turkey / Istanbul / Integrity Seminar
2008.5 / Italy / Milan / Integrity Seminar
2008.5 / Turkey / Istanbul / 2. Dream + Time = Reality Conference, Quantum Leadership, Conrad
2008.3 / Romania / Bucarest / Academy of Sciences Launching & Presentation of Romanian edition
2008.2 / China / Guangzhou / Museum of Modern Art
2008.12 / Turkey / Istanbul / Conference in Bahçeşehir University
2008.12 / U.S.A. / New York / Health and Wealth Pierre
2008.10 / Italy / Milan / Integrity and Corporate Longevity
2008.10 / Turkey / Istanbul / Integrity Seminar
2007.9 / Turkey / Istanbul / Rotary Peace Forum The Individual Revolution for Peace
2007.8 / Bulgaria / Sofia / Rotary Peace Forum The Individual Revolution for Peace
2007.12 / Italy / Milan / Integrity Seminar
2007.11 / Turkey / Istanbul / The Art of Dreaming Seminars Ritz Carlton
2007.10 / Brazil / Sau Paulo / Seminario da Integridade
2007.10 / Turkey / Istanbul / Corporate Longevity Garanti Bank Conference
2007.1 / Italy / Milan / S. D’Anna and Gary Becker, Nobel for Economy
2007.1 / Italy / Roma / Commissione Lavoro Chamber of Deputees Solutions for Unemployement
2007.1 / Turkey / Istanbul / 1. Dream + Time = Reality Conference
2006.9 / Turkey / Istanbul / JCI Leadership & Educational Summit
2006.4 / Bahrain / Bahrain / Opening Speech Educational Fair
2006.3 / Iran / Teheran / Ministry of Education Leadership & Economic Development
2006.3 / Turkey / Istanbul / Seminar for Garanti Bank
2006.3 / U.S.A. / Houston / Gala Dinner Presentation Health and Wealth
2006.2 / Turkey / Ankara / Integrity Seminar
2006.11 / Turkey / Istanbul / Integrity Seminar
2006.10 / South Korea / Seul / International Seminar Philosophy and Economy
2006.10 / U.S.A. / Houston / Speech at Gala Dinner Continental Airlines
2006.10 / Vietnam / Hanoi / International Seminar Dante and the School of Overturning
2006.1 / Slovenia / Lubiana / Guest Speaker European Administrative Academy
2005.9 / Italy / Genova / Chamber of Commerce Post Industrial Economy in China
2005.5 / UK / London / Integrity Seminar
2005.5 / Italy / Milan / Integrity Seminar
2005.5 / Italy / Rome / Integrity Seminar
2005.5 / U.S.A. / New York / Italian American Museum Guest Speaker
2005.4 / Dubai / Dubai / International Fair What are Universities for ?
2005.4 / Hungary / Budapest / Canon Conference Corporate Longevity
2005.3 / China / Guangzhou / Bridging Chineese and Western Culture Through Leadership Southern Medical University
2005.11 / China / Shangai / Integrity and Corporate Longevity
2004.3 / Italy / Napoli / Istituto Filosofico, Palazzo Serra Lecture Economy and Philosophy 1999/2004
2004.1 / Italy / Milan / Economics of Criminality Gary Becker, Nobel for Economy & Prof.S.D’Anna
2003.3 / Serbia / Novi Sad / University of Novi Sad “The Art of Dreaming”
2002.9 / Italy / Milan / Flexibility and Job Creation James J. Heckman, Nobel for Economy & Prof. S.D’Anna
2001.3 / Italy / Rome / Conference Betty Williams, Nobel Prize For Piece & Prof. S. D’Anna